Casey Jones & The Governors - Don’t Ha Ha (1966)

Brian Casser was first a cook before he founded the band Cass & the Casanovas in 1959. This initially interpreted folk repertoire, but quickly turned to the more promising beat music. After the breakup of Casser, the remaining band members continued to play as a trio, now under the name The Big Three with a harder sound as “one of the loudest bands on the Mersey.“ Guitarist Adrian Barber was later a stage manager at Hamburg’s Star Club, and drummer Johnny Hutchinson occasionally helped out with the Beatles. Meanwhile, Cass became “Casey Jones,“ and his new backing band was now called The Engineers - both allusions to the relatively well-known story in the Anglo-Saxon-speaking world of the American locomotive engineer of the same name. The members at times included musicians such as Eric Clapton and Tom McGuinness. After the end of this equally short-lived lineup, Casser’s musical career rested for some time because he was discovered for television and appeared in front o
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