2012-08 ČD Muzeum Lužná u Rakovníka: Expozice, The turntable and Lokomotivy

#ČD_Muzeum_Lužná_u_Rakovníka #České_dráhy Lužná u Rakovníka, 23-08-2012. Terzo documentario dedicato al Museo delle ferrovie ceche in Lužná u Rakovníka. Un’interessante carrellata relativa a gran parte delle locomotive esposte al museo (diesel, vapore, elettriche) e ad alcuni modellini ferroviari. Buona visione! Third documentary dedicated to the Czech Railway Museum in Lužná u Rakovníka. An interesting overview of most of the locomotives exhibited at the museum (diesel, steam, electric) and some model tra
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