Cave Art Aka Modern Artist (1960)

Farnham, Surrey. C/Us of a cave prehistoric painting showing men hunting wild boars etc. M/S of Douglas Mazonowicz, a leading artist in serigraphy (creating prints by the silk screen method), working on a reproduction of a cave painting. He is painting over a silk screen; which he then lifts up to remove the painting underneath; it is of three horses. M/S and C/Us of an assistant mixing some inks at another table as the commentator explains the silk screen printing process. M/S as Douglas puts the painting, at a later stage in the process, into position under the screen; commentator tells us this ’Frieze of Little Horses’ is one of many paintings discovered in the famous cave at Lascaux in France. The assistant brings the mixed ink over and pours it onto the edge of the screen. Douglas draws the ink across the screen with a squidger thing (does anyone know what these are called?), then lifts the screen, peels the painting from underneath it with his assistant ’s help and they place it on a r
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