Da li iko normalan može da poveruje da je ova “vakcinacija“ za dobrobit Palestinskog naroda? Mesecima ubijaju civile i decu, rak

Da li iko normalan može da poveruje da je ova “vakcinacija“ za dobrobit Palestinskog naroda? Mesecima ubijaju civile i decu, raketiraju stambene četvrti, civilne i sakralne objekte, bolnice, izbegličke kampove, a onda odjednom pristaju na “humanitarnu misiju“ da “vakcinišu“ Palestinske dece, koju su do malopre ubijali ... a sve pod izgovorom kako bi ih navodno spasili od dečije paralize!? Svi znamo da jevreji imaju dugačku istoriju humanosti, zar ne? ? Can any sane person believe that this “vaccination“ is for the benefit of the Palestinian people? They have been killing civilians and children for months, rocketing residential areas, civil and religious objects, hospitals, refugee camps, and then suddenly agreeing to a “humanitarian mission“ to “vaccinate“ 650,000 Palestinian children, whom they were killing until recently... and all under the pretext of how would supposedly save them from polio!? We all know that Jews have a long history of humanity, right? Source: iSTiNA
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