What Does A COMPANY SECRETARY Do? | How To Be A Company Secretary | Jersey

In this video I explain exactly what a Company Secretary is and what they do, as well as how much Company Secretaries get paid and what exams to look at if you’re interested in becoming a Company Secretary! 0:00 Introduction 1:32 What is a Company Secretary? 3:13 What do Company Secretaries do? 6:21 Salaries 7:53 Exams If you’re interested in checking out the gear I used to put this video together, I’ve included some links below: Camera: Microphone: Lighting: MacBook: #1 - WHAT IS A COMPANY SECRETARY Contrary to what the name suggests, a company secretary is not a clerical or secretarial role. Instead we ensure that a company operates to a high standard and that everything runs as smoothly as possible on a day to day basis. It’s difficult to define a company secretary in one sentence as its a role that covers so many different things, but i
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