Lets Talk About Music - The 2nd Album ( 80er Jahre Sound - Modern Talking & Blue System Style )
Hallo liebe Musikfreunde!
Nach dem großen Erfolg meines ersten Albums “I Love The 80’s“ geht die Reise zurück in die goldene Ära der 1980’er Jahre weiter mit meinem zweiten Album “Let’s Talk About Music“. Dieses Album verbindet den vertrauten Sound der 80er mit neuen und interessanten musikalischen Einflüssen und schafft so ein einzigartiges Hörerlebnis.
Der Stil des Albums wurde erneut von den Ikonen des 80er Jahre Disco Pop geprägt: Modern Talking, Bad Boys Blue, C.C. Catch, Sandra und Blue System. Mit insgesamt 25 Songs bietet das Album eine Fülle von Hits, darunter die erfolgreichen Auskopplungen “1985“, “L’Amour Toujours“, “Avenue Of Broken Dreams“, “Lost in Your Eyes“ und viele mehr.
Wenn ihr diese Musik liebt, abonniert meinen Kanal und aktiviert die Glocke, um immer über neue Veröffentlichungen informiert zu werden. Euer Support bedeutet mir sehr viel!
Viel Freude beim Hören! Lasst mich in den Kommentaren wissen, wie euch das Album gefällt und welcher Song euer Favorit ist.
Euer Mario
🎉 Danke für eure Unterstützung! 🎉
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0:00 Let’s Talk About Musik
3:57 1985
8:27 You Take Me To Abyss
13:36 Singularity
18:43 L’amour Toujours
22:58 Avenue To My Broken Dreams
27:10 Lost In You Eyes
31:12 Keep Love Alive
35:00 Ready For Romance
39:23 Playing With Fire
43:09 Heavens Call
48:36 Big Brother
52:28 City Heartbreak Hotel
56:51 Voices From Atlantis
01:01:31 Echoes Of Lemuria
01:05:54 Tango On The Titanic
01:10:36 Oceans Spell
01:14:54 Magic Dice
01:18:52 88 Warriors
01:23:13 Heart Collector
01:27:24 Mystic Lights
01:32:05 Queen Of Broken Hearts
01:35:54 Take My Heart, Take My Soul
01:39:41 Don’t look Back
01:43:44 More Than Marbles On A Chessboard
Hello dear music lovers!
After the great success of my first album “I Love The 80’s“, the journey back to the golden era of the 1980’s continues with my second album “Let’s Talk About Music“. This album combines the familiar sound of the 80’s with new and interesting musical influences, creating a unique listening experience.
The style of the album was once again influenced by the icons of 80’s disco pop: Modern Talking, Bad Boys Blue, C.C. Catch, Sandra and Blue System. With a total of 25 songs, the album offers a wealth of hits, including the successful singles “1985“, “L’Amour Toujours“, “Avenue Of Broken Dreams“, “Lost in Your Eyes“ and many more.
If you love this music, subscribe to my channel and activate the bell to always be informed about new releases. Your support means a lot to me!Enjoy listening! Let me know in the comments what you think of the album and which song is your favorite.
Your Mario
🎉 Thank you for your support! 🎉
If you like my music and would like to support me further, you can now use the “Super Thanks“ button. By clicking on this button you have the opportunity to give me a little financial support directly on YouTube. Your contributions help me to continue producing great music for you and to improve my equipment.💖🎶
‼️This is the original version. If you hear this songs anywhere under a different name, then it is a pirated copy. You can recognize this, among other things, by the fact that all pirated copies were uploaded later than this original. I ask that you report pirated copies to YouTube. Thanks. ‼️
#letstalkaboutmusic #NeueSingle #Disco #80erJahre #ModernTalking #BlueSystem #CCCatch #BadBoysBlue #Fancy #Sandra #Neonfarben #Schulterpolster #FalsettChöre #Unbeschwertheit #Zauberwürfel #ThomasAnders #DieterBohlen #Dallas #DenverClan #OutNow #80er #80s #80s80s #80skid #80sStyle #80sfashion #80smusic #80ermusik #80erradio #discofox #moderntalkingstyle #moderntalking #newwave #cccatch #bluesystem #fancy #badboysblue #germany #germanmusic #silentcircle #aimusic #mariocarlostaraflohr #newsong #newromanticsong #newromanticsongscollection #formeleins #schlager #bremen #italodisco #italodance #italodanceclassic #soundslikebluesystem #NeuerSong #Backtothe80s #Musikder80er #YouTube #Download #systemsinblue #ai #udio #udiomusic #LogicPro #Синяясистема #современныйразговор #МузыкаВосьмидесятых #Диско80 #РетроМузыка #ПопМузыка80 #НоваяВолна #Синтезаторы #ТанцевальнаяМузыка #Хиты80 #ЭлектроннаяМузыка #ПопКлассика #80年代音楽 #ディスコ80年代 #80年代ヒット #MusicaAnni80 #PopAnni80 #MusicaElettronica #geronimo #geronimoscadillac #remastered #youcanwinifyouwant #SynthPop #RetroVibes #ClassicTunes #DanceClassics #PopIcons #MusicLegends #FeelGoodMusic #GoldenEra #FlashbackFriday #DiscoRevival #ThrowbackTunes #EuroDisco #Nostalgia #TimelessMusic #MelodicPop #SynthWave #RetroWave #RetroSound
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