The valley of Gehenna in Jerusalem is synonymous with the Christian hell. I traveled there to overcome my fear of hell.
As I travel through Jerusalem, Israel, I discuss the history of hell in Christian tradition. I cover the philosophy of Plato, specifically Platonic dualism, the Jewish afterlife in the Old Testament, Second Temple Jewish apocalypticism, the hellenistic reinterpretation of Jesus’ teachings, and more. When other ex-Christians and ex-Evangelicals ask how to stop being afraid of hell, I always recommend learning about the origins of hell in Christianity. Now I’ll just share this video instead.
Locations shown here: The Western Wall (Wailing Wall) of the Second Jewish Temple, Mount Zion, the Mount of Olives, Damascus Gate, Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and the valley of Gehenna or gey ben Hinnom.
Cameras: Jeremy Levy, Derek
Editors: Jeremy, Drew
Writing: Drew
Sources and recommended resources:
Dr. Justin Sledge (Esoterica) on Sheol:
Bart Ehrman lecture “The History of Heaven and Hell”:
Ehrman, B. D. (2020). Heaven and Hell: A History of the Afterlife. Simon & Schuster Paperbacks.
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