NEW ZEALAND: Nearly fifty die as fire hits Christchurch department store (1947)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Nearly fifty lives lost as fire hots department store in Christchurch - the worst fire disaster ever to hit New Zealand. Full Description: Gaumont British News ident SLATE INFORMATION: Big store fire in New Zealand NEW ZEALAND: Christchurch: Firemen fighting fire in department store with hoses Good shot of fire blazing Flames and smoke from top of building More of firefighters fighting fire with hoses Refreshments and beverages being brought to firefighters as they continue to try and fight fire More of fire raging in building Front of department store being hosed by firemen Disasters and Accidents; Shops and Shopping Background: Nearly fifty lives lost as fire hots department store in Christchurch - the worst fire disaster ever to hit New Zealand. FILM ID: VLVA3CWRLBDNJ1YMU78K83Z7U5TLZ To license this film, visit
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