Rubén Darío Flórez .Встречаем известного поэта мировой величины Рубена Дарио Колумбия

Rubén Darío Flórez Arcila. Poet, novelist and translator from Russian to Spanish. Born in 1961. Associate Professor at the National University of Colombia, in the field of semiotics, linguistics and communication theory. He recently finished translating the works of 20 poets of the Russian Federation . He created poetry collections, translations and the novel “The Byzantine Coin“. Poetry collections: “Toda forma es un gesto“, “Trampas de la soledad“, “Trípitico“. The author of many scientific articles about translation, about the semiotics of culture, about poetry. His work has been published in Colombia, in Northern Macedonia, in Mexico, in Argentina, in Spain and in Russia. The most famous House of Poetry in Latin America and in Colombia. Jose Asuncion Silva published his book: “Alexander Pushkin The Inhabitant of Autumn“. As a poet, he participated in literary festivals in Bogota, Kyoto, Moscow, Ohrid, Medellin, and Ohio (USA) Rub
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