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Greetings of peace love and light on this amazing day.
We could not introduce a 3rd Eye Chakra formula without first introducing this amazing Pineal Gland Decalcifier and Energizing formula.
As you may know,
The amazing Pineal gland is a small cone-shaped endocrine gland located near the centre structure in the brain, situated between the superior colliculi, the pulvinar, and the splenium of the corpus callosum is composed 90–95% of pinealocytes, which synthesize melatonin & DMT.
Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, controlling our circadian rhythms and reproductive hormones. This makes the pineal a master regulator of time, affecting not only our sleep patterns but also our sexual maturation. It is known for its mystical hormonal secretions, most of which prevent aging or premature aging. More than just sleep-regulating, the melatonin release also affects our stress and ability to adapt to a changing world.
The pineal gland, in conjunction with the adrenal glands, effects skin pigmentation, helps with potassium and sodium levels in the body, controls one’s mental stability, and controls mental and sexual growth. It is often referred to as the Seat of the Soul.
This gland alone links the physical body with the other side or unseen realm of existence. The pineal gland is the seat of the mystical 3rd eye that you hear so much about in occult and metaphysical teachings and circles.
The third eye is our greatest gift to connect us to source and remind us of a universe much more mystical than that which we perceive with our physical senses. It’s through the awakening of the third eye and its corresponding pineal gland that we’re able to attain supernatural feats of telepathy, psychic vision and an intimate connection with the Universe.
While we see physically with the two physical eyes, we see spiritually with the 3rd eye, located directly in the middle of the physical eyes. The 3rd eye is our spiritual eye and just as the physical eyes can suffer, so can our spiritual eyesight.
Unfortunately, the majority of the population have a calcified pineal gland, where a hard shell forms around the gland and our access to the realms beyond this reality are effectively shut off due to many reasons which include but not limited to:
Our diet, Pesticides or herbicides found on foods, Excessive calcium, Excessive mercury, Halides, a class of minerals that include chlorine, bromide and fluoride and a number of other toxins, such as those found in sugar or artificial sweeteners, as well as in deodorants or air refreshers, Minimal Sun exposure, regular exposure to cell phones, and substances that exhaust the body and make it vulnerable to toxin build-up. For example, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco etc.
A calcified Pineal gland deprives you from your spiritual awakening. It blocks all access to your 3rd eye chakra and all of its amazing capabilities. It will cause Depression, insomnia or abnormal sleep cycles, mood swings, craving for toxic substances like alcohol etc, tiredness, aging, insulin resistance, Alzheimers, Schizophrenia, weight gain, stroke, headaches / migraines and much more.
This Quadified formula works to Decalcify your pineal gland while also energizing and revivifying your pineal gland simultaneously. This formula is recommended after you have ensured that your lower chakras are balanced for optimal benefits. WARNING: It is a very powerful formula so do not overuse.
This powerful formula also contains crystal/gemstone healing vibrations from Amethyst, clear quartz, anburite, Tanzanite, Satyaloka Quartz, Herderite, Petalite, Scolecite, Natrolite or Phenacite., apophyllite, Kunzite, Azurite, Herkimer diamond, Blue coral, Ametrine, and Blue Kyanite all working to decalcify and energize your pineal gland.
This formula also includes contains extracted healing and empowering vibrations/ energies from Wood Betony, Gotu Kola, Parsley, Alfalfa, Monoatomic Gold and Mugwort.
Cover Artwork by the amazing; Louis Dyer
☯ Make sure to drink plenty of PURE WATER to maximize the effects of the frequencies.
You can transition into a meditative state will listening for added benefits.
♡All Quadible creations are backed by pure love energy, we feel that LOVE is the most powerful vibration in the Universe.
♫ All sounds are the copyright of Quadible Integrity
1 view
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