Anatomy of the Orbit and Extraocular Muscles (including movement of the eyes) | Eye Anatomy

We’ve just released a collection of 500 OSCE Stations! 🙌 This video provides an overview of eye anatomy, including the orbit and extraocular muscles using high-quality 3D anatomy models and expert narration from our brilliant anatomists. The video covers the following topics: - Bones of the orbit - Extraocular muscles (including action and innervation) - Movements of the eye - Structures passing through the superior orbital fissure - Oculomotor nerve palsy - Trochlear nerve palsy - Abducens nerve palsy See the written guide alongside the video here: Follow James Nott on Twitter: You might also be interested in our Anatomy Flashcard Collection which contains over 2000 anatomy flashcards in addition to advanced features such as spaced repetition. 🫁 Purchase the Comp
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