I debated whether or not to use that unfortunately now-controversial term ’Aryan’, here - but no other term seems to suffice, as ’Indo-European’ isn’t all-encompassing enough, ’Yamnaya’ and ’Corded Ware’ certainly aren’t, as these two seem to be essentially the same people divided by what I believe is a relatively artificial line..
So, I’d like to see this far more technically-correct term revived.
And it matters. I believe it matters a great deal. When we’re deprived of any term or label for this larger family, we’re then unable to even conceive of it once being a singular family, and this almost seems to be the goal of much of modern academia.
These next three videos will hopefully help counter this manipulative effort.
Language is the first clue - the proto-Indo-European language laying at the root of the several branches that would go on to spread across the world, speaking clearly to our shared, singular heritage. Genetics provide another, showing a clear path of travel, leaving horses and chariots and Kurgan burials in their wake. The profound similarity in myths and legends provides yet another.. and Troy, specifically, provides one more immensely powerful clue, with nearly all peoples (from the Franks, to the first Britons and Romans, to Snorri Sturluson’s Aesir and Asgard) all claiming a direct connection - to a very real place, despite modern academics laboring so studiously to claim that all of these accounts are fanciful invention.
Tracing the spread and the development and progression of this people strikes me as one of the most important areas of study, and one of the most important stories one could ever hope to tell. Nearly all of you watching have some direct connection to this larger family.. and as yet, we know almost nothing about the details of this exceptional past. Some might even argue we know less today than our ancestors of just a few hundred years ago did, due to a combination of historical ignorance, and what seems to be a modern attempt to essentially rewrite history, by tossing out ’root’ accounts, and replacing them with modern speculation and reinterpretation.
This is only part one, of what will be at least a three part series, charting some of this interconnectivity, and the ties-that-bind the Aryan and Indo-European peoples..
much more to come - on the connection of nearly every branch of this family to ancient Troy, the ’Celtic’ or R1b peoples’ ties to the impressive Miletus and the Milesians and to the earliest Phoenicians, and to Anatolia.. and what I believe is strong evidence of this entire family springing from a relatively singular location, language, and culture, at a post-cataclysm ’population bottleneck’ or ’founder event’ that seems to have occurred a mere 5-6k years ago, clearly referenced by countless ’different’ peoples and cultures in their myths and legends.
I’d suggest this is a story that has never been properly told - and I certainly won’t be able to tell it properly, and in full, in a short three videos.. but my hope is that this acts as part of a helpful *start*, toward that important goal.
Fair warning - I do next nothing for ’SubscribeStar’ patrons, I tend to communicate poorly/slowly and be impossible to reach, I develop myopic vision and shut out the world as I work on projects - so, a sincere thank you for those who support the work anyway.
You’re the reason I’m able to do this.
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Human Flourishing & The Crime of the Century | The Acceptance of Life Podcast Ep. 03