Dog in Bozhou goes viral for looking drowsy when holding rubber band for owner 二哈困到睁不开眼“被迫营业”陪小主人跳皮筋

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get day-to-day video coverage of what’s going on in China and beyond! 玩游戏时小伙伴的人数不够怎么办?据人民视频,安徽亳州一只“二哈”被小主人拉去凑数。视频显示,即使困到睁不开眼了,狗狗还是给小主人拉着皮筋,让小主人开心玩耍。 What if there aren’t enough members on your game team? A dog in Bozhou, Anhui went viral for looking drowsy when helping its owner hold the rubber band that he was skipping over with his friends.   Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram:
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