Punk Rock Latin Poetry - Catullus 5

The rock version of the ancient Roman poet Catullus’ famous “thousand kisses“ poem. Vivamus mea Lesbia, atque amemus Rumoresque senum severiorum Omnes unius aestimemus assis. Soles occidere et redire possunt; Nobis cum semel occidit brevis lux Nox est perpetua una dormienda. Da mi basia mille deinde centum Dein mille altera dein secunda centum Deinde usque altera mille deinde centum! Dein, cum milia multa fecerimus Conturbabimus illa ne sciamus, Aut ne quis malus invidere possit Cum tantum sciat esse basiorum. Let us live, my Lesbia, and let us love, And let’s count the rumors of crotchety old men As worth only a penny. Suns are able to rise and set, But for us our brief light sets just once and then an endless night must be slept.
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