Mass Effect’s Commander Shepards Break Down Their Favorite Lines
We’re Commander Shepard and these are our favorite lines on the Citadel. To celebrate N7 Day, Jennifer Hale and Mark Meer join us to break down their favourite Commander Shepard lines from the Mass Effect trilogy.
Happy N7 Day! Every year, Mass Effect developer BioWare celebrates its beloved sci-fi trilogy on November 7, and this year we’re joined by both Commander Shepards to break down the most iconic lines from the games.
Jennifer Hale and Mark Meer voice female and male Commander Shepard respectively, and over the years, have delivered some of the most iconic lines in gaming. From “I should go“ to “I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel,“ Jennifer and Mark react to the games after all these years, reveal what it was like to be in the recording booth, and whether they thought the lines would become as infamous as they did.
Earlier this year, a remaster of the Mass Effect trilogy, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, launched o