Hello gamers
I felt motivated to make one last “Bury The Light“ mashup before moving on to my usual music content, so I hope you guys like this one
I’ll still make more mashups in the future, more “Bury The Light“ pls lmao. I feel like I’ve exhausted my drive for that with this mashup
More covers and originals coming soon though, I have an album to finish
Instrumental Credits
Bury The Light (Devil May Cry 5)
Composer - Casey Edwards
Vocals - Victor Borba
Drums - Anup Sastry
Strings - Jeff Ball
Mixer - Adam “Nolly“ Getgood
A Beautiful Song (NieR: Automata)
Composer - Keigo Hoashi
Vocals - Emi Evans & J’Nique Nicole
Producer - Square Enix
Vocal Credits
The Rumbling (Attack On Titan: The Final Season Part 2 OP)
Composer - SiM
Vocals - MAH
Producer - SiM
Rules of Nature (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance)
Composer - Jamie Christopherson & Graeme Cornies
Vocals - Jason Charles Miller
Producer - Jamie Christopherson
The Only Thing I Know For Real (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance)
Composer - Logan Mader & Jamie Christopherson
Vocals - Tyson Yen
Producer - Logan Mader
Mashup Credits
Mixing/Mastering - JerFlow
Mp3 Download: (320 kbps)
Png Download: (1920 x 1080)
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