Cianide (USA) - The Dying Truth (Full Album 1992)

Label: Grind Core International You can buy album here (if you son of some president, haha) - =sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=cianide The Dying Truth&qid=1614697998&s=music&sr=1-1 - Cover artwork is part of The Last Judgment from the Crucifixion and Last Judgement diptych by Jan van Eyck. - Recorded & mixed at Studio 53, Palatine, Illinois. - Co-produced & co-mixed by Cianide. Tracklist: 1. Mindscrape 2. Human Cesspool 3. The Suffering 4. Scourging at the Pillar 5. Crawling Chaos 6. The Dying Truth 7. Funeral 8. Second Life #Cianide #Deathmetal​​ #Deathmetalpromotion​ #GrindCoreInternational
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