Easy Korean Reading for Beginners▶Short Story Reading in Korean▶Learn Korean through Fairy Tales

🦊The hungry fox who got caught in the tree trunk🦊 나무 몸통에 끼인 배고픈 여우 Once upon a time, there was a hungry fox that was looking for something to eat. 옛날에 음식을 찾고 있는 배고픈 여우가 있었어요. He was very hungry. 여우는 무척 배가 고팠죠. But no matter how hard he tried, the fox could not find food. 그러나 아무리 노력해도 음식을 찾을 수가 없었어요. Finally he went to the edge of the forest and searched there for food. 결국 여우는 숲 가장자리까지 가서 음식이 있는지 찾아 봤죠. Suddenly he caught sight of a big tree with a hole in it. 별안간 여우는 구멍이 나 있는 큰 나무를 보았어요. Inside the hole was a package. 그 구멍 안엔 보따리가 있었답니다. The hungry fox thought that there might be food in it, and became very happy. 배고픈 여우는 보따리 속에 음식이 있을지도 모른다고 생각하며 매우 기뻐했습니다. He jumped into the hole. 여우는 구멍 안으로 뛰어들어갔어요. When he opened the package, he saw slices of bread, meat and fruit in it! 보따리를 열어 보니 빵, 고기, 과일이 들어 있었어요. An old woodcutter had placed the food in the tree trunk before he began to cut down trees in the forest. 늙은 나무꾼이 숲에서 나무를 자르기 전에 나무 몸통에 음식을 넣어 놓은 거죠. He was going to eat it for his lunch. 점심으로 먹으려고 말이에요. The fox happily began to eat. 여우는 기쁘게 먹기 시작했습니다. After he finished eating, he felt thirsty. 다 먹고 나니 목이 말랐어요. So he decided to leave the hole and drink some water from a nearby spring. 그래서 이제 구멍에서 나가 가까운 샘에 있는 물을 마시기로 했죠. However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not get out of the hole. 그런데 여우는 아무리 애를 써도 구멍을 빠져나올 수 없었답니다. Do you know why? 왜 그럴까요? Yes, the fox had eaten so much food that he became too big to fit through the hole! 여우가 음식을 엄청 많이 먹어서 구멍을 빠져나오기엔 너무 커져버렸거든요. The fox was very sad and upset. 여우는 몹시 슬프고 속상했습니다. And he told himself, “I wish I had thought a little before jumping into the hole.” 그리고 혼자 중얼거렸죠. “구멍으로 뛰어들기 전에 생각을 좀 할걸.“
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