Why are the Chosen Ones always Used by People.

The Devil will put people in your path who have evil intentions. The Chosen ones will go the extra mile even for a complete stranger. If you are a chosen one it means you are a giver. The problem is chosen ones leave themselves wide open. You may have the same dream over and over again about that person in your life. People who try to destroy the chosen ones will suffer a terrible end, in Gods own time. The light of the Chosen one can never be put out. Evil people tried so many times to destroy you. If you are a chosen one people don’t need a reason to hate you. #Godwantsyoutoknow, #Godwantsyoutocontrolyourmind, #christiansareunder attack, #weareunderattack, #Thedevildoesntwantyouto, #satanwantsyouto, #godsanointednowgeneration, #streetpreaching, #betruetoyourseld,#Everythinghappensforareason,#devotional#Thechosenarecalled,#Thedevilwantsustorejectgod,#christianmotivation Dontlistentoyourfeelings,#Godsanointed,#Theworld,#Thepowerofprayer,#Jesuschrist#Jesuslovesyou,#chr
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