#Великий #Туран Authors of the Channels I recommend subscribing! I am very sorry, but I have to show your video, because we have a lot of corrupt ties with the mafia clans of Turkey in Kazakhstan. The Datub clan humiliates the Turks in Kazakhstan! The BE-200 is a Russian aircraft. Ukraine does not have such aircraft. They are under repair, because in 1998 the engine was designed for it in Ukraine. In 2018, Ukraine refused to supply engines and spare parts. Ukraine is a NEW strategic partner for Turkey, and when your forests are burning , they do not supply engine parts to lower Russia’s a...uthority, meanwhile Turkey is burning. At the moment, a new engine has been designed for the BE-200 and 16 Russian aircraft are planning to be re-equipped (this is very expensive). Если вам симпатизирует работа проекта, то вы можете его поддержать финансово. 1. Сделать донат перейдя по ссылке 2. Либо сделать донат по этой ссылке
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