Dune: Exclusive Baron Harkonnen Video (2021) - Stellan Skarsgård

“The desert takes the weak. My desert. My Dune.“ One of the wealthiest members of the Landsraad, House Harkonnen is the bitter rival of House Atreides. This sinister family is ruled by the cruel, hedonistic Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. As Dune begins, House Atreides has been granted control of Arrakis by the Emperor, displacing House Harkonnen, who had controlled the harvesting of Spice for generations. While Baron Harkonnen pretends to be outraged over losing control of Arrakis to his rival, Duke Leto, in reality he hopes to use the situation as an opportunity to destroy his enemy once and for all. Actor Stellan Skarsgård endured hours of heavy makeup to transform into the monstrous, morbidly obese Baron, who is strapped into “suspensors“ in order to move (or, more precisely, float) and literally lord over other opens n the US and UK on October 22 and in Australia on October 21. #IGN #Movies #Dune
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