ART STORIES 🍁 Had She Stayed ~ Matthieu Forichon Art Illustration (2017)
Had She Stayed ~ Matthieu Forichon Art Illustration
Illustrations by Matthieu Forichon, drawing illustration, art illustration, digital illustration, watercolor illustration, love illustration.
My videos correspond to the vibrations of nature, supporting the course of evolution in the waves of bliss. Using sound, melody and rhythm to restore balance and harmony in the mind, body and human behavior.
#fall #illustrations #arts
Insomnia - Poem by Lisel Mueller
The bulb at the front door burns and burns.
If it were a white rose it would tire of blooming
through another endless night.
The moon knows the routine;
it beats the bushes from east to west
and sets empty-handed. Again the one
she is waiting for has outrun the moon.
Nice walking places, video stories and streets of cities. Music for walking, houses, streets, cities, video walk, virtual tour. Short film format.
Hopefully my video will bring to your life some escapism.
More videos:
A U T U M N - Yekaterininskiy Park | Moscow City 2020
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Winter CITYSCAPES Painting - Художник Richard Savoie (2016)
DRAWING. Watercolor Ilya Ibryaev - Painting Tutorial
ART STORIES. Acrylic Painting - Andre Kohn ART (2017)
Painting Creation Of The World ►
Walking Nice Channel | Short film format
VK ►
my telegram: @nati_realm
Telegram channel:
e-mail: lapras2011@
♥.♫ ☆.❣.♫ ♥.♫ ☆.❣.♫ ♥.♫ ☆.❣.♫ ♥
Music: Had She Stayed - Puddle of Infinity
Ambient | Inspirational
Youtube Audio Library - Free Music
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Take care! (◠.◠)
СОЗДАННЫМ ДЛЯ ОСЕНИ - музыкальная арт - история
Все, что есть в осени — идеально для вас. Пушистые свитера, шарфы, теплые пледы. Сначала тонкие, а затем толстые носки. Низкие косые лучи света. Эти последние теплые летние дни прежде, чем начнутся дожди и ветра. И эта немного мистическая и туманная атмосфера в воздухе. Лишь осень — ваша истинная любовь. И вы с нетерпением ждете её.
А вы любите осень?
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