Keren Or Studio - Young and Beautiful - Dance - Choreography Keren Klein Tager

Young and Beautiful - Dance - Keren Or Studio Choreographer - Keren Klein Tager Hod Hasharon - Israel 1st Place winner in a dance competition - Zabarim 2014 Contemporary Dance Music - Lana Del Ray Cover By Jona Selle Dancers: Gal Barzilay,Noa Taichman, Sapir Davidov, Dan Shafit, Yuval Goldstein, Yuval Toren, Lior Gilboa, Lir Raz, Mika Lifshitz, Noa Biti,NOa Faigel, Nitzan Rozi, Adi Blum, Roni Peled, Ran Shikar, Noa Bar, Lior Zabari, Ayelet Tayar, Gal Vaisman, Rotem Almog, Talia Bar, Mai Cohen, Yael Catz, O
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