Level Up Your Painting: From Base Coat to Final Model; Answering YOUR Questions

Good afternoon! In this week’s video, I answer your questions on how to level up your painting: What base colors do I use, and how do they affect my final miniature, and where and how do I place my highlights and shadows? This video is sponsored by Loot Studio, a company that produces beautiful and detailed 3d files for your 3d printer. You can learn more about Loot Studios and find there miniatures here: Thanks to dicey_d_paints for helping me print this model! 00:00 intro 00:50 Base Coat 3:38 Highlights & Shadows ________________________________ Instagram: Patreon: My Tools: ________________________________ My Tools (some of these may be affiliate links): Red Grass Games Everlasting Wet Palette: Winsor Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Watercolor Brush - Round #1 Winsor Newto
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