BELGRADE SERBIA to VIMINACIUM 🇷🇸 4K Driving video in Eastern Serbia Србија
Driving from Belgrade Serbia to Viminacium in Eastern Serbia Србија 🇷🇸 My trip to Serbia in 4K showcases a good drive in Belgrade Serbia and if you plan to travel Europe by car or be on the road in Eastern Europe, you will enjoy this driving video in 4k quality. Traveling Serbia by car is convenient and allows you to be more flexible. And driving in Serbia is easy. I did a car summer vacation in Europe and if you plan to experience the summer in Europe by car and drive across Europe by car, you will see that this Serbia driving video showcases some nice road trip in Europe ideas for you. I particularly liked Eastern Serbia and the beautiful scenery with the lush green fields. Driving on the motorway and taking the smaller overland roads is particularly fun but my best drive in Serbia was in the South of Serbia which I will cover in another video. So please enjoy this summer road trip in Europe and I wish you all the best for when you go on the road in Europe yourself and look forward to hearing about your favorite Europe road trip! In the meantime, enjoy this Belgrade video.
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Serbia (Serbian: Србија, Srbija), officially the Republic of Serbia, is a landlocked country in Central and Southeast Europe. It is situated at the crossroads of the Pannonian Plain and the Balkans, bordering Hungary to the north, Romania to the northeast, Bulgaria to the southeast, North Macedonia to the south, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to the west, and Montenegro to the southwest; while claiming a border with Albania through the disputed territory of Kosovo. Serbia has a population of almost 7 million, with Belgrade as its capital and largest city.
Belgrade (Serbian: Београд / Beograd, lit. ’’White City’’) is the capital and largest city of Serbia. It is located at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers and the crossroads of the Pannonian Plain and the Balkan Peninsula. Nearly 1.7 million people live within the administrative limits of the City of Belgrade. Belgrade is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Europe and the World. One of the most important prehistoric cultures of Europe, the Vinča culture, evolved within the Belgrade area in the 6th millennium BC.
Viminacium was a major city (provincial capital) and military camp of the Roman province of Moesia (today’s Serbia), and the capital of Moesia Superior. As of 2018, only 3 to 4% of the site has been explored. The site is located 12 km (7.5 mi) from the modern town of Kostolac in Eastern Serbia. The city dates back to the 1st century AD, and at its peak it is believed to have had 40,000 inhabitants, making it one of the biggest cities in the Balkans of that time. It lies on the Roman road Via Militaris. Viminacium was devastated by Huns in the 5th century, but was later rebuilt by Justinian. It was completely destroyed with the arrival of Slavs in the 6th century. Today, the archaeological site occupies a total of 450 hectares (1,100 acres), and contains remains of temples, streets, squares, amphitheatres, palaces, hippodromes and Roman baths. Viminacium holds a distinction of having the largest number of graves discovered in any Roman archaeological site. As of 2018, 15,000 graves have been discovered.
#Belgrade #Serbia #viminacium
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