Master Pianist: 15 Ways To Make BORING Chords EXCITING (Matt Johnson from Jamiroquai) [Chord Hacks]

Matt Johnson shares his best chord hacks for producers - say goodbye to boring chords! 🔔 Subscribe to master music production: 👀WATCH NEXT: Matt’s Video on Neo Soul Chords - 👀 Matt’s Video on Left Hand Bass for Keyboards - ABOUT THE VIDEO Music Theory. Some love it, some hate it - but this video is all about music theory you can actually use! You’ll learn how to write emotional chord progressions on piano which you can then apply to any DAW, any song, or any collab. These music theory chord tricks take a bit of focus to understand, but they are serious chord hacks for producers. Big thanks to Matt Johnson (from Jamiroquai), who has been studying piano since he was a kid! 🎵MATT JOHNSON Matt’s Video on Neo Soul Chords - .
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