Jago Jago Kundalini Maa | Bhajan by Foreign Sahajayogi | Sahajayoga Bhajan
Bhajan Dedicated to H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Our Divine Mother
In March 2023, Yogdhara group from over 15 different countries visited India for self relization tour. During their visit, they visited Pratishthan for 2 days and recorded a song dedicated to Mother Kundalini at the Prathisthan recording studio. They started recording around 9 in the morning and at around 5pm they went for public program in pune and again around 10pm they resumed the recording and finally ended the recording at 3am in the morning. I
...t was a long day with recording and public program but no one was feeling tired as they could feel the kundalini was dancing on their sahasrara chakra and were feeling the bliss & joy within.
The dedication to recording a song dedicated to Shri Mataji at Prathisthan, amidst a busy schedule of public programs, shows a deep commitment of the foreign yogis to Shri Mataji and Sahaja yoga. It’s fShow more