Bernard Shaw - A Tribute (1950)

Bernard Shaw - A tribute. Various locations. C/U George Bernard Shaw (Library 50/59). LV. Shaw’s House (library 50/59). Shaw talking to housekeeper (library 50/59). L/S Lady Astor waiting for Shaw (library 50/59). M/S Shaw walking in grounds (library 50/59). L/S Shaw walking towards Lady Astor. They greet and shake hands library 50/59. C/U Lady Astor. Library 50/59. M/S Shaw walking into house. (library 50-59). M/S Hat-stand seen through window (library 50-59). M/S Liner entering Miami Harbour (library 36-13). M/S Shaw dancing around on deck. Library (36-13). M/S Shaw walks over to seat. (Library 36-13). C/U Shaw. Interviewer asks: “How do you feel about Mr. Roosevelt ?“ (Library 36-13). C/U Shaw replies: “Well, Mr. Roosevelt, you see what the situation is, you have a good President and a bad constitution and the bad constitution gets the better of the good President every time. The end of it will be that you might as well have an English Prime Minister.“ (Library. 36-13) M/S Shaw’s Corner. (Library. 5
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