Every SNES SHOOT EM UP Reviewed and Ranked! Did you know the Super Nintendo had over 50 Shooters on the system! Sega’s Mega Drive and NEC’s PC Engine may have had more, but for Nintendo it was a matter of quality over quantity. This video will help you discover the entire SNES library by ranking and reviewing every shooter in one huge compilation!
Not just great arcade conversions of Konami classics like Gradius and Parodius, console exclusives like Axelay and Super Aleste, but many hidden retro game gems that are a must play, including Super Famicom Japan only games. The Ultimate Shmup Guide for the Super NES in one epic compilation!
#snes #shootemup #retrogaming
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00:00:00 - SUPER Shoot Em Ups on the SNES
00:01:47 - A is for Axelay
00:11:17 - B is for Biometal
00:16:14 - C is for Cotton
00:23:05 - D is for Dari
2 months ago 00:10:43 1
California Games (NES) Playthrough - NintendoComplete