Madhava Das - Khol lesson - Variations Daspahira Taal (Prabhupada Beat)
Madhava show few simple variations of Daspahira Taal he uses in his kirtans. Taal is also reffered to as “Prabupada Beat“, after the Bhaktivedanta Swami, who introducted it in western lands. Since Bhaktivedanta Swami was learning khol in Calcutta, we easily trace its origin in Bengali musical schools, where they name it “Daspahira Taal“. It has 16 units (16 matra), although when played in medium tempo, we hear as comprised of 8 beats.
The original theka (Manoharsayi sampradaya) of Daspahira Taal is as fol
4 months ago 01:21:56 1
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