S4E8 | Elisa E - MK ULTRA Survivor on the Evolution of Mind Control, eMK ULTRA & Deep Deprogramming
Today I’m honored to have back on the show for a 2nd time to share her testimony in full, MK ULTRA trauma-based mind control and satanic ritual abuse survivor, targeted individual, writer and author of the book “Our Life Beyond MK ULTRA: Now and Then”, overcomer and brave whistleblower, Elisa E!
Elisa was born into a multi-generational incest-based military family, and was put into MK ULTRA in the 1960’s through her father’s military connections where her abuse was perpetuated. Elisa’s programming started as a young child where she was put under trauma-based mind control to be a sex slave as well as a highly trained assassin who would be used on kill missions on behalf of high-level members of the agency and network to help carry out their dark agendas. Elisa suffered horrific abuses at the hands of her perpetraitors and her story brings awareness to the horrors that go unnoticed in unsuspecting locations such as the many military bases where she was abused.
Elisa’s story is important as sh