!!Con 2021 - Tropes! Cliches! Made-Up Slang! It’s the Data-Sitters Club! by Quinn Dombrowski

Tropes! Cliches! Made-Up Slang! It’s the Data-Sitters Club! by Quinn Dombrowski Did you ever pick up a “Baby-Sitters Club” book in the 90’s, or stumble across the graphic novels or Netflix series more recently? The “Baby-Sitters Club” turns out to be an amazing corpus for exploring computational text analysis methods! Find out what the “Data-Sitters Club” has learned – about these books, natural-language processing (in multiple languages), collaboration, and coding – in this quick tour of our discoveries so far! Quinn loves languages, digital humanities, and sewing brightly-colored clothes, and can often be found on Twitter at @quinnanya. Quinn works in the Library and the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages at Stanford University, but lives in Berkeley with a husband, three small kids, and two geriatric cats.
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