「ロックマンX7」Rockman X7 Walkthrough (JP, ENG SUB) — Part 7, Cyber Field - Snipe Ariquick
Включайте субтитры для перевода, ребятки. На рашке они есть ^.^
(Про перевод... Я знаю, что я немного лишнего в речь Ариквика добавила, но мне нужно было сделать так, чтоб сохранилась его старческая манера речи. Смысл в основном тот же. На инглише я этого добилась, не использую сокращения вообще, но чот не очень вышло, как по мне, но ладно)
About emulation, I think I can emulate X7 without any fear because I own Rockman X Anniversary Collection 2 that does not want to run the games I needed well. Although I know this will not work when I’ll eventually need to record Command Mission. Blame CAPCOM for not re-releasing this game, Irregular Hunter X and GameBoy titles that are important.
There’re some audio lags here and there, and I now know how to solve that problem, but I don’t want to suffer my way through this game again (especially the last two stages). You still can read the subtitles.
Only voiced dialogues will be translated. Not Alia’s navigation, nor Dr. Right’s Capsules’ messages.
Timestamps for the story bits:
Irregular Dialogues: 8:43
Scenes after the stage: 13:48
So, this stage give me a headache, but it wasn’t as nightmare-ish as it hought it would be.
Cyber Jiisan’s level is as huge Cyber Maze with a lot of stuff going on. There’s constantly a ring of some strange characters circling around the player and the sonud here is... really comressed. Also Alia has some trouble contacting the team. Also there’re some walls that only Mushadroids (samurai-looking Repliroid enemies) can pass through. This is why I need Axl and X combo here, aside from still not really being good at controlling Zero.
The first section is pretty alright, but the second one is... a headache, like I said before. Now you need to jump into portals (and as you can see, camera here makes it more difficult to actually touch the portals) that will send you under the area you were standing on and will reverse your controls. You can see how bad I felt actually, since I wasn’t moving as confident as I do when I play with normal controls.
But I kinda got lucky here, didn’t even need to memorize much, although sometimes I still was getting lost in this labyrinth. So I get all Repliroids resqued, get the armor parts, the teleporting pod doesn’t want to cooperate with me and hunters are finally at the arena with our boss.
Here’s one more problem with localization I have. So, in the original, when Ariquick tells Zero what he saw in the cyberspace relating to Zero’s “memories of the future, or false images of the past“, he actually mentions Zero’s future. And this was backed up by Zero’s personal ending in this game, so yeah, Ariquick got the info and kinda warned the Red Hero about that. It still is kinda there in localization, but at the same time not quite well.
If he got info on Zero, I’m wondering why didn’t he try to do the same with X and Axl?
Alright, the fight. It all happens on a “pipe“ that the boss can circle around freely, but not the player with is undesrandable but cheap. Also his constantly sticking out tongue made me think that my emulator was acting all wierd. No, that’s actually intended.
For the first couple of tries, I was failing constantly, not even reaching Ariquick’s final stage of the fight. I even tried to kill him with Axl and Zero combination once to see what can I do, but... it kinda work, but not with Ariquick’s “weakness“ that is so pathefic that sometimes I see some people say that he doesn’t have one. Inobusky’s weapon is truly one of the worst in this game (if not even the worst weapon in entire series).
Zero’s Raijinshou is quite useful here, although it’s dangerous. But eventually, I found the most optimal strategy with X\Axl combo:
Just stay in one corner and spam Charge Shots. When the final stage of the fight starts, start to constantly dash around (or being more smart and using Axl’s Rolling) and continue to shoot Cyber Jiisan until he’s dead.
X\Axl get Sniper Missile which is quite useful, and Zero gets Hieijin which I still don’t really know how to use.
The last flashback scene with “The Professor“ and Red starts here. Probably my favorite one out of three. So, The Professor continues to power up the entirety of Red Alert and tells Red that he can strenthen all of them further, but for that, he needs the power of the runaway which is Axl who has already escaped from the base. Red doesn’t want to go searching for him as he “had set him free“. Then Red just explodes from the fact that The Professor has used the entirety of Red Alert to achive his own goals that included killing innocent Repliroids to get more powerful. Buuut after that, The Professor (who is finally revealed to be Sigma) takes the control over every member of Red Alert, asking Red to return Axl along with the strongest Repliroid’s (X’s) data if he wants to see his pals acting normal again.
Guess after that, Red contacted the Irregular Hunters as we saw in a scene after the intro stage.
One more Irregular to go.
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