Director/Concept: @exxet_ SIMULATION Sitting holding patience on my knees feel good remains i’ve got falling since i born now im rising left behind get a reset breathe an air sins are blessed fighting phantoms crisis reckless you’re in a simulation self crack the crawling god you see it for you own every second low barking dogs close you’re my enemy come and get up theres a whiplash hall to wait just once you get ready in front of you it will appears the real way wheres my way? double spinning rack on a flashback sticking on a black gap all around fly hit and happen down again selling kids on a silent pain holy grail falling mane the same person duplicated on a row marching on a gold plateau clipping noise a lied knowed all amount of cursed dreams on a bloom flower whisper catchy melodies on a soul blowing A chains around my head chains around my neck climbing walls inside a box i melted wax on them full of meaning words they dont want cross the line heartless. @exxet_
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