Skill of growing square watermelons at home, let’s see how they do
Skill of growing square watermelons at home, let’s see how they do.
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It’s fun to be able to modify the shape and watch the watermelons grow in your garden. Using square boxes to shape watermelons also protects watermelons from insects!
1. Choose a square box that is the right size for the size of the adult watermelon you want, with at least one side that can be opened to place or remove the watermelon. The melon will shape itself in the box. You can use a wooden mold but it has the limitation that the melon doesn’t have a green color on the outside.
2. Choose a young (small) watermelon. Be sure to handle small berries and vines very carefully, as vines don’t like to move.
3. Place the young melon in the wit