Seems reasonable enough so I tried to do it without Layle and Vaan. Garnet is a beast though I wish she has a bit more mBRV.
A bit late because tbh I kinda forget that the LC was yesterday. Got day off from work and I spent it to send Sora into the path of hearthless lol. Has been doing marathon with console games ever since KH3 got release date. Finally finished FF15 (wish I didn’t notice anything at Galdin Quay at the last chapter) and now on to play the whole Kingdom Hearts series again from the beginni
1 year ago 00:11:27 1
Eiko is broken .... able to manipulate all 10 FT for the perfect set-up... what? JP DFFOO
1 year ago 00:02:20 1
1 year ago 00:11:18 2
「DFFOO JP」Duoing Them Again Cus I’m Bored! Seymour Ft. Yuna FE50 “Rework“ in Relm Heretic Shinryu
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Gladio Makes Lvl3 SHINRYU a Joke! Weekly Crystal Quest Run (Black) [DFFOO JP]
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