This one has a LOT of trashtalk, grievances, and vendettas. I’m sure it’s all harmless. Most of it anyway...
Start (0:00)
Who Saberlight respects (1:30)
Saberlight’s Gunnar Beef (2:30)
“When I see this guy on LAN I’ll bash his head in“ (4:30)
The MMA Lineup (5:40)
The Insania-Ghost Beef (8:30)
Saberlights Decision to stay with Shopify (12:00)
Ceb Tweet (19:45)
BingBong Behavior (22:30)
Dreamleague finals (26:00)
Fy’s hoodwink 200IQ outplay (31:00)
Gabbi-23Savage Beef (34:00)
What’s Wrong with Nigma (42:00)
Dictator Dota vs Democracy Dota (46:30)
Internal Beef (53:00)
Master Saber begins (59:00)