Needle tatting. Two-colored bracelet with beads / Фриволите иглой. Двухцветный браслет с бисером
Two-colored bracelet with beads for needle tatters ❤ ↓↓↓EXPAND FOR MORE DETAILS ↓↓↓
In this video tutorial, I will show how to tat a two colored bracelet with beads. The pattern was created by @Ksenia Shvedenko. I adapted it to use a needle instead of a shuttle. Ksenia’s video for shuttle tatting -
From this tutorial you will learn how to work with two threads of different color, how to switch the core and working threads, and how to add beads onto both working and core threads at the same time.
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5 months ago 00:23:05 1
Тыква вязаная крючком |Pumpkin crochet|
6 months ago 00:10:11 1
Needle tatting. Фриволите. Мастер класс. Плетем цепочку иглой.