HYDE 「FAKE DIVINE」 Japan’s hero of rock, HYDE (L’Arc~en~Ciel, VAMPS) is back to transport you to another world with this powerful and haunting track, FAKE DIVINE, off his latest album ANTI! #HYDE HYDE’s Profile: HYDE, Japan’s most prolific rock artist (lead vocalist for L’Arc~en~Ciel and VAMPS), is currently breaking new musical ground as a solo artist. HYDE’s latest album “ANTI” was digitally released globally on May 3rd, 2019, timed to kick off a Spring U.S. tour headlined by In This Moment, culminating with sold out solo shows in Los Angeles and Chicago. Most recently, HYDE has completed an extensive 7-week-long tour of the U.S. in the Fall of 2019 headlined by Starset. HYDEの新曲「FAKE DIVINE」MUSIC VIDEOが完成! 「SHALLOW SLEEP」「HALLOWEEN PARTY」「VAMPIRE’S LOVE」などで 度々タッグを組んで来た二階健監督と描く大人のハロウィン! HYDEの「FAKE DIVINE」のMUSIC VIDEOは HYDE発案の元、不思議の国のアリスをモチーフとしたハロウィン仕様の作品となった。 NEO TOKYOのマンホールの下は、一年中ハロウィンを繰り返す魔物たちの世界! アリス、白ウサギ、チェシャ猫、ハートの女王など、原作でもお馴ĉ
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