Support Cernunnos Music: Subscribe, Like and Share. Expand Description Box for info, lyrics and more: ABOUT : A sad and relevant song, born and inspired by the copious observations witnessed by us all of peoples trauma and misfourtune at the mercy of the covid 19 pandemic. The song highlights the cruel devastation of prolonged isolation that affects profoundly the mind, the body, the soul. The song is also a heartfelt tribute to the many NHS and frontline workers who have displayed courage, self sacrifice, and love and continue to stand bravely in defiance of this global threat to our very existance, laying bare a fundemental truth, that love is always near. DISCLAIMER : All music and lyrics copyright to George Nicholas. Video contains third-party content unless otherwise stated. MUSIC : 5 Albums Available: Wild Soul - Cernunnos Rising (Medwyn Goodall & George Nicholas)
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