Recycled Plastic Mallet - How to Melt HDPE

We’ve made a couple of other HDPE items which we’ve posted to our Instagram. Check them out if you’re interested: We made this mallet as a gift, so chose a specific set of colours to use from the lids we’d collected. We used an oven set to 200 degrees centigrade, which we have found works well and prevents the plastic discolouring from burning. The 2-part mould allows us to remove the mallet easily, as well as making the whole thing reusable. We have used coffee cans or large metal soup containers in the past but these tend to be a one-use item. The handle is made from beech and we turned some grooves on the end to ensure the plastic would form around this. From past experience with HDPE, it is very difficult to get adhesives to bond well (even epoxy) so this was a quick alternative. #BrothersMake #HDPE #PreciousPlastic #HDPERecycling #RecycledPlastic #RecycledPla
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