1-Dan Professional player Stephanie Yin and the New York Institute of Go presents 5 life & death problems for the 2nd time in June 2019:
- 1 for 30-20 Kyu Players
- 1 for 19-10 Kyu Players
- 1 for by 9-1 Kyu Players
- 1 for by 1-4 Dan Players
- 1 for by 5-7 Dan Players
Go, or “Weiqi“ (圍棋) in Chinese, “Baduk“ (바둑) in Korean, “Igo“ (囲碁) in Japanese, is a 2-player board game has originated in China over 4,000 years ago.
The New York Institute of Go (NYIG) was founded in 2016 in New York City by Stephanie Yi
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