Headpiece Tutorial | Step by Step and Design Ideas

Complete tutorial with Ellinor on how to make your own headpiece! Tools used: - Scissors - Pliers - Marker pen - Measuring tape - Glue gun (The hotter the better) - Textile glue - Long pins - Exacto knife - Small clamps - Needle file Materials used: - Hard headband: =sr_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=hard headband&qid=1614189487&sr=8-9 - Elastic band - Hair comb slides, preferably all metal: =sr_1_48?_encoding=UTF8&c=ts&dchild=1&keywords=Hair Comb Slides&qid=1614189021&s=beauty&sr=1-48&ts_id=3520910031 - Foam material ca 5-7 mm thick - BBQ sticks - Spray paint. We used Liquitex gold: - Fake flowers - Feathers (Guinea fowl and pheasant from a neighbour) - Acrylic crystals in different sizes, shapes and colors - Beads - Cotton wool - Thin leather or felt Follow us on: Music: Epidemic Sound
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