Can a Kendoka Cut with Sharp Swords?

How good can someone be with sharp blades if they haven’t practiced with them before? Well, let’s find out... I met up with Sindri and Wataru, who both have quite a few years of Kendo training under their belt, to try some test cutting (or tameshigiri, if you will). With beginners I have to explain a lot of basics and make sure they’re safe, but thanks for their experience those two were able to naturally pick up the swords, grip them effectively, and perform cuts safely. Obviously it’s not quite the same as a shinai, but the same fundamentals apply. It was interesting to see, and lots of fun! Some noice slicey action right there. :) If you’re interested in supporting the channel and getting bonus content like the extended, ad-free edit (24 min) of this video, become a channel member (click on “join“ right under the video) or sign up on Patreon. There is also an exclusive Discord server where you can chat about history, arms & armor, games, etc: *** The swords shown here (the ones that aren’t discontinued) *** The Flying Phoenix Han jian by LK Chen 15th Century Type XVIIIc Alexandria longsword by Balaur Arms Turkish Kilij Yatagan The Legionnaire by Zombie Tools Langes messer by Landsknecht Emporium Tatami mats: *** Music credits *** “RPG Exploration - Maddie’s Mirror“ by Hitctrl Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license (CC BY 3.0) Outro: “Highland Storm“ by The Slanted Room Records Used with artist’s permission *** Merch *** If you want to join Bonfire to start selling your own merch: *** Support the channel by shopping through affiliate links *** Kult of Athena, my favorite online store for reproductions of historical arms and armor, fantasy swords, etc: Where to get HEMA gear and practice swords: Want to treat your face fluff? I highly recommend the balms and oils from Beard Sorcery: Books about history, martial arts, swords, knives, video/audio equipment, and other stuff I recommend: US - Canada - *** Social media *** #skallagrim #sword #tameshigiri
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