Chill music for dreamers ✨🚀 Inspiring work/study playlist

Calm and inspiring playlist will help you get rid of stress and soothe a weary mind. This mix is perfect for creative work, coding, design, studying or relaxation and its intricate visuals are a perfect background to leave on a TV or a second screen. Rest here for a while to take on the next task fully charged. Dream big! Some interesting facts about electronic music The invention of the synthesizer in the mid-20th century inspired composers and redesigned electronic music. The synthesizer sped up the creation process by combining hundreds of different sounds, and composers were inspired to delve deeper into the possibilities of electronic music. 1. Electronic music was first attempted in the United States and Canada in the 1890s. Its creation process was difficult. To create just a few minutes of music, with perhaps a hundred different sounds, could take weeks to finalize. 2. The first true synthesizer was released to the public in 1956. It was made up of an array of electronic tone generators an
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