Bosnia - Joint Anti-Bosnian Serbs Forces Offensive

(26 Sep 1995) T/I: 10:47:26 A combined force of Bosnian Croat, Croatian army and Bosnian government army troops was pushing its way toward Sanski Most on Monday (25/9). The force, backed by heavy artillery, has cleared Bosnian Serbs from large areas of land in western and central Bosnia in the past few weeks, ahead of peace negotiations due to start in New York on Tuesday (26/9). SHOWS: NEAR SANSKI MOST, BOSNIA. 25/9 gv in field with troops preparing bosnian howitzer unit artillery in box firing (targetting serbian tank position) howitzer battery firing soldiers preparing guns for more firing more soldiers re-loading cu another howitzer unit, soldier shouting instructions gvs soldiers putting tree and net camouflage on their weapons to protect them against possible airstrikes ends: Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Faceb
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