Ma chair... deep and powerful moment of BeING improvising at Asc 2023.

At Autumn Swing Challenge 2023 - WSDC event, The song we chose for our improvised demo , “Ma Chair“ by Barbara Pravi, is worth listening to and looking at the translation as it’s in french ( translation of the lyrics is to be found below ⬇️⬇️)! It’s beautiful for what it speaks of ! It is unfair, it is sad, but there is hope, love ! It’s a strong and beautiful message! Yes another one ! You might agree or not agree, that is ok ! We all have different values and believes! It is a reality! If songs we come across touch us to the bones, we are inspired to move to them and let the message touch maybe others. Letting them know that they are not alone ... 🙏🏽🤝 It is risky for us because the songs needs nothing to support it, it is already just self sufficient and beautiful. It is risky for us because it takes stands on topics. And also often on beautifull songs, it is expected to gi
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