The animation used for this video was first premiered as “Emergency Labyrinth“ created while artist-in-residence at the Lookout Arts Quarry in July of 2018. It was originally released with different music.
The music for this version is from my new album “This Mouth Drum is My Dragon“:
a very special “5G Quarantine Album“ in which the artist consumed 5G of psilocybin cubensis and pressed the record button, performing on a variety of Siberian khomus (mouth-harps) and voice. The recordings were later effected and mixed stereophonically for playback with personal headphones to emphasize the trance-inducing and shape-shifting frequencies of the music. Please listen loudly in a calm setting with dim lighting or total darkness to induce a safe but potent psychedelic experience accessible to all regardless of ability to directly consume plant/fungi medicines. NOT recommended for listening while operating a motor vehicle.
There is also an option to purchase a “physic
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2 days ago 00:01:03 1
Drawing a mouth accidentally swallowing a corn dog art tutorial
2 weeks ago 00:00:43 1
Open a sea urchin to serve out of the shell!
3 weeks ago 00:00:59 1
You will be delighted with this trick! The ribs melt in your mouth!