Muhammed Mustafa | Army of Mahdi - Jihad Nasheed - -

Downloads & information at: MUHAMMED MUSTAFA Deep sub-basses with aggressive hits and smooth strings. Combined with effective vocals and instructive lyrics. A special composition mixed as Army of Mahdi Nasheed by Ali Muhammed Abdullah. The black turban symbolizes Jihad. Muhammad saw. himself and his companions wore a black turban during the battle. In civil, the color white or green was preferred. A turban is a favorite jewelry of Muhammed sav. It is thus a Sunna regarding the clothing of the man in Islam. Anyone who practices a Sunnah is also serves Allah (Ubudiya). Lyrics: Ahmed - (Another name of Muhammad also used in the Bible) Mehmed - (Another pronunciation of Muhammed in Turkish/Ottoman language) Muhammed - (Original Arabic name of the last messenger and means “the much praising“) Mustafa - (Another Arabic name of Muhammad meaning “the chosen one“) Praise be to Allah. And blessings and peace be upon Muhammad.
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