TRAVEL into a DISTANT FUTURE 12000Hz 120Hz 12Hz Dive into the Cosmic Wormhole
As the composer behind ’TRAVEL into a DISTANT FUTURE 12000Hz | 120Hz | 12Hz’, I invite you on a mystical journey like no other. Mastering this piece, I tapped into frequencies that resonate deeply with the mysteries of the cosmos and time. Each note, each wave, is meticulously curated to act as a conduit for your consciousness to traverse the vastness of space and glimpse a distant future. Close your eyes, let the sound be your spacecraft, and embark on this ethereal journey through the cosmic wormhole. Enjoy the exploration, and thank you for allowing my music to be your guide
#cosmic #Wormhole #MeditationMusic
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💫 About This Music
☯ 12000 Hz Higher Power, Kundalini Energy, Keely
☯ 120 Hz-PSI-500 Hz moving of objects, psychokinesis
☯ 12 Hz Throat Chakra, Doorway To All Frequencies, Alpha
☯ Follow your own intuition
☯ Listen while meditating or sleep
☯ Listen to 15 min minimum daily for 7 Days
☯ Best listened with Headphones or Earbuds
☯ Observe your breath to become mindless
☯ After mindless you will reach the Flow State
☯ Let Yourself Go
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